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Latest News and Insights From Bell Leadership
Six Keys to Setting Annual Goals with Your Team
With the right approach, annual goal setting can be one of the most beneficial practices you undertake with your team. Ending your year by reflecting on what has happened and making plans for what is to come will set the next phase of your business up for success.
Six Creative Ways Leaders Show Gratitude at Work
We can show care towards every human being we encounter. This includes the people we work with. Demonstrating that you care to your colleagues and everyone around the office ensures positive, effective work relationships.
Listen Like You Mean It
As you work towards honing your listening skills, these first steps will put you on the right track, but sustained listening requires ongoing practice, even for the best listeners.
Guiding Principles for a Confident Interview
Even as new trends and sensational headlines emerge in recruiting and hiring, a thorough interview remains the most pivotal tool to get to know a candidate. Conducting a successful interview, however, isn’t always easy. Most managers never receive the training they...
No Matter the Conditions, Selecting Talent Is Hard
No Matter the Conditions,Selecting Talent Is Hard by Jon Player, JD, MSPHPeople are the most important asset in any organization. Finding, growing, and retaining an effective team contributes tremendously to your bottom line—the costs of not doing so can be...
Give Your Leadership a Tune-Up
The last few years have seen their share of uncertainty and volatility. In comparison, the current environment may feel relatively calm, and leaders might be tempted to sink into a “business as usual” mentality. The truth is that it’s never completely clear what...
Bell Leadership Programs Activate All 5 Senses
The more a person is actively engaged in multiple ways, the higher their rate of retention for the experience. Have you ever noticed that situations or events that engage your senses are often the most memorable? Studies have proven what many of us instinctively...
Building Leaders in Dentistry
Bell Leadership Partners with UNC Chapel Hill to Reinvent Modern Dental EducationAt first thought, leadership training might not come to mind as an essential component of a dental student’s curriculum. However, what many graduates realize when starting their practice...
Celebrating 20 Years of Inspiration
THE CAROLINA WAY'S IMPACT ON LEADERSHIP Inspiring New Generations of Leaders and Teams to Work Hard, Smart and Together. Chapel Hill, NC – March 13, 2024 - The leadership lessons from The New York Times best-selling book The Carolina Way live on 20 years after its...
Leadership Learning Never Stops
CONTINUOUS LEARNING A Lesson From The Carolina WayOne of the most important jobs leaders have is to ensure that each person in their organization continues to improve and learn new skills. Many people think they are so busy that they have little or no time to learn....
Six Keys to Setting Annual Goals with Your Team
With the right approach, annual goal setting can be one of the most beneficial practices you undertake with your team. A new year is fast approaching, and it’s likely that most of us have setting annual goals with our teams on our to-do list. As you begin making...
The Power of Personality
THE POWER OF PERSONALITY A Model for Understanding Your Most Important SkillTHE BELL ACHIEVER MODEL Dr. Gerald D. Bell, founder and CEO of Bell Leadership Institute, discovered the truth around the importance of our personalities early on in his career while studying...
Six Ways to Deliver a Phenomenal Presentation
Delivering a phenomenal presentation where our message truly resonates with everyone in the audience really does require us to include each of these dimensions. Whether it’s a report for the monthly budget meeting, a sales pitch to prospective clients, or...
Six Interviewer Pitfalls to Avoid
When we, as interviewers or hiring managers, interject our own personalities and habits into the equation, our personal weaknesses can make the process even more challenging. Conducting successful interviews is a key step towards building a strong, deep talent...
Six Ways to Inspire Successful Change
Leaders suggest changes, drive changes, and navigate unexpected changes. Those changes can be difficult, complex and messy, but great leaders ensure their people are prepared and positioned to navigate them successfully. As leaders, we frequently underestimate...
Great Leaders Invest in Their People
Good Economy, Bad Economy GREAT LEADERS INVEST IN THEIR PEOPLE No Matter the Weather The past three years, we have seen a flurry of highs and lows in our economic forecast. From financial boom to bust to boom again, leaders naturally begin to think about how to...
Leader’s Roundtable Q&A with Alum, John Haller
"If I had to say my biggest takeaway, biggest learning from Roundtable, it was the value of collaboration with other leaders." Leader's Roundtable alum, John Haller, shares how his program experience and learning has transformed his own leadership style. Q1. What...
Six Ways to Embrace Feedback
Feedback is the shortest path to becoming more effective - personally and professionally. “I love feedback!” has been a Bell Leadership Institute mantra since our founding because we know that being able to accept and utilize feedback productively is one of the...
Does your team have what it takes to be Great?
Bringing together the right skill sets, as well as a variety of backgrounds and experiences, makes it more likely a team will innovate and solve problems. Great things come from individuals working together as a team. Without teams, we wouldn’t be able to tackle...
5 Steps for Executive Retreat Success
Executive Retreats recharge your top leadership and kickstart new plans with the power to achieve and even surpass your goals. Executive Retreats recharge your top leadership and kickstart new plans with the power to achieve and even surpass your goals.Need to refocus...